Friday, January 14, 2011

Keep your Head to the Sky & Stay on your Feet

    Kelly's Moment of Zen

As Jon Kabat Zinn says: “We can't stop the waves but we can learn to surf'.

A few years ago I was honored to teach and share a savory taste of Mindfulness with champion surfer, Kelly Slater. At the time, to be honest I didn't know who he was, yet sensed his great presence. Kelly's laser beam focus was impressive yet I quickly observed that riding a mental wave for Kelly appeared to be a welcome challenge, an opportunity, just like riding the perfect wave. ❧
update: 5 ways Kelly Slater has taught us.. learn more 

Mindful Inspirational Appetizer:

(Bobby Flay's Yum Cesar Crostini)

Find your Zen moment of Awe-someness to use everyday noises like birds chirping, phone ringing tones, a beep, favorite song, as your Mindful Fitness reminder, to tune out distractions (monkey-mind chatter) and tune into your Whooshhh outbreath... For now, simply ride a few of your breath waves, (your body's wisdom knows what to do, take 1-5 out and in breath cycles), we'll discuss inner mechanics from Mental Fitness another time.❧

When you hear these sounds as a reminder, allow them to be there with non resistance, simply ride your breath waves to soften and Relax letting go into the present moment, which is all new, always available here in the now. This mindful move is your opportunity to flex getting Getting your head in the A game for Altitude, Authenticity, Awareness using Mental Fitness as our Playbook. Consider this: having a great attitude with altitude activates this awesome idea from Inspired Author, Neale Donald Walsch "Masters are those who have chosen Only Love. In every moment." What helps me re-center is to remember to ask where is the love? noting that love is for-giving, an act of self love. This helps especially when I fall off my inner surfboard again and again getting right back up on my feet, making it up as I go, also know as "child's play" or trusting our intuition.

On pg. 74 in Mental Fitness, I mention returning to your centered breath to anchor your attention in the present moment as you learn to ride your mental surfboard.

Surf's Up!

Mental Fitness (Foreword by Leonard Cohen) still available: amazon, go to funzen books 

In Gratitude w/Love ❤

FunZen Girls OX
Michiko and Grace

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Get a Sip of Zen in the Zoo of Life

The idea "Got Zen?" was an inspired Aha! moment, after I took author/friend
Dan Millman of amazing book series "The Peaceful Warrior"
suggestion to heart and watched Neil Pasricha's "The 3 A's
of Awesome." The light bulb has stayed switched on...My daughter Grace was also awestruck and couldn't wait to get and soak in "The Book Of Awesome."

Now, it's your turn to discover for yourself the pith and bright story about Neil's award winning 10 million-plus-hit blog "1000".

The expression "Got Zen?" reminds me of the fact that everyone has zen or buddha nature but many rarely realize it. Essentially zen means meditation, it is the art of mindful living with non judgmental observation moment to moment. It is multi-layered and beyond the scope of this blog to discuss the various means of energy (light) work, prayer and meditation for returning home to our original nature of enlightenment or oneness. I am grateful that the essence of Zen can be found in understanding that the art of simplicity is a puzzle of complexity.

The Zen mind Beginner's mind element that I see and admire in Neil Pasricha's perception of simple brilliance; is the celebration of our senses and the wonderment of being a child again. He also acknowledges the sweet simplicity of zen mastery. To see the world as if you were seeing it for the first time, doesn't require a New Year's resolution, or more time to fix and change anything about yourself. To directly experience Awesomeness is your choice to grab an Aha! moment and get a sip of zen by catching a breath wave and riding your ahhhh long breath out.

When Leonard Cohen wrote the foreword to my book Mental Fitness aka "Yoga off the Mat" in 1995 (see below) I wasn't ready to accept the awesomeness of what he wrote. For brevity dgms (don't get me started), let's just say being born into a zen lineage is easier now. With zen gaining more popularity; the perspective is more accessible. For instance, my zen mama tweeps and soul cheerleaders have helped me see that my message of reaching zen-like calm to carry on smack in the middle of life; is like helping each other find the rabbit's foot that's hiding in the bottom of our pockets.


My old teacher, Joshu Sasaki Roshi, has asked me to say a few words about the book which you are holding. He never really learned English, and he has forgotten much of his Japanese, but he knows a good thing when he sees it, and he wanted me to thank Michiko Rolek, on his behalf, for her very helpful instructions.

I live with a number of bewildered souls on a mountain in southern California. The place is called a Zen Center, and it probably is, but it is also a kind of hospital for people who have forgotten how to breathe, or sit, or stand, or walk. Michiko has developed a simple and effective approach to these fundamental activities. Some of us are breathing better already.

This workbook may not solve the Burning Issues of Your Life, but you sure as hell can save yourself a lot of trouble by looking into it. You might even be able to skip having to visit a place like this, or if you are already in one, perhaps with this valuable information you can slip away.

In any case, we want to join Roshi in expressing our gratitude to Michiko for her kindness in presenting to us her manual on Mental Fitness. She has made some important matters wonderfully clear, and every page is informed by a sweet concern for the well-being of her reader.

Thank you.
Jikan Eliezer
a Mt. Baldy monk
(Leonard Cohen)

Inspirational "Staple" Recipe:
Gratitude is the Mother of Lovingkindness & Joyfulness

(Pure Joy comes from our Spirit) "Joy is prayer~Joy is strength~Joy is love~Joy is a net of love by which we catch souls..." Mother Teresa

HeartWarmer Spiritual Exercise: Breathe in slow and deeply: Opening your heart, (expanding lower ribs)
Breathe out: Expanding your net of pure love (firm-up core on exhalation)
(perform 3-4 breath cycles) repeat connecting the heart dots at your pace of comfort & joy through out the day one breath at a time)

Got Zen? will be an ongoing daily/weekly blog in 2011. My goal is to continue to support cool topics that clarify ideas like getting our head in the A 4 Awesome game with Neil Pasricha's 3 A's using Mental Fitness as a playbook while we Talk and Walk in Gratitude with Grace and Grit ❤❤❤ looking forward to your input to keep the ball rolling.

Mental Fitness (Foreword by Leonard Cohen) still available: Amazon, Bodhi Tree Books, or, contact me for an autographed copy and free gift telecoaching session. Share with your friends and Zenjoy ❤

In Gratitude w/Love ❤

FunZen Girls OX
Michiko and Grace

Life Coaching Services now available: 805 490-2391
Twitter: @Zenmommie
I teach Kids FunZen and train Parents to be Mindful.